At Foster Contracting, it’s our duty to get out to our clients quickly to help whenever their roofs are experiencing problems. Since we specialize in commercial roofing, we are used to fixing up commercial flat roofs. If you have a building that needs a flat roof repair in Columbus, IN, call us at (317) 464 – 7597 to set up an inspection!
Roof Leak Detection

Here at Foster Contracting, we are quick to help when people reach out to us about a roof leak. Our team focusses solely on commercial roofing, so repairing flat roofs is nothing new to us! The roofers at Foster Contracting are experts at both repairing and locating flat roof problems. We will make your roof as good as new again by the time we are finished with the repair!
Flat roofs are known for being relatively easy roofs to maintain. However, these roofs can leak if the membrane is punctured or cracked. With a flat roof, there is also the risk of standing water building up, and any seams may start to separate in time. You can look to Foster Contracting for help with any of these common flat roof problems!
Roof Coatings

Flat roofs can be used for a lot longer before having to be replaced when they get restored with roof coatings. Leave it to the team at Foster Contracting to recognize when your commercial roof could benefit from a new roof coating. We believe in restoring flat roofs since it is a cost-effective solution that has proven to be effective at staving off flat roof leaks for years!
Why Foster Contracting?
It may not be difficult to find a commercial roofing company, but finding one that you can trust for years down the line is a different story. Foster Contracting is here to stay and offers a complete list of roofing services to clients in Indiana. Go with our team for low prices and flawless project results!
Call Us Today!
Foster Contracting is a roofing company that provides solutions to all types of flat roof issues. If you are in Columbus, IN, reach out to us at (317) 464 – 7597 if you would like our roofing specialists to take a look at your flat roof. We are the top choice whenever a building needs a flat roof repair!